Better Than Ever
Who are you? You are what you eat. You are what you breathe. You are what you see. You
are what you read. You are what you hear. And you are what you meet. You are where you
were born into. You are who you grow up with. You are the language that is difficult to
pronounce. You are the words that are easy to erase. You are the social distance. You are
harmonious society. This performance tries to remind us how we become who we are.

Bright Nights, Wet Dreams 明媚夜晚,潮濕夢寐
The photobook comprises previous projects including Do You Know Where the Birds Are?(2017-), Untitled(2017-), Too Good to Be True(2021-), and archival materials from Queer Reads Library. It is an attempt to convey as well as deconstruct the tension along the border of the body, the private, and the time under the concept of gender.

Repetition Maximum
“Repetition maximum” (RM) is a concept in weight training, referring to the most weight you can lift for a defined number of exercise movements. The performance links up the parallel exhibitions “Too Good to Be True” and “Till Love Do Us Part”, which both tackles the relationship between queerness and social environments. During the performance, the audience were invited to walk with the artist from one exhibition venue in Shek Kip Mei to the other in Tai Kok Tsui. Along the walk, the artist turned his artificial body and the metropolitan surroundings into a big canvas, as in such a way he expresses and confronts the power hidden beneath the action of image manipulation.

The Intouchable
Selfie sticks and accessories build up an organic structure that seemingly interconncts but rather isolates, whereas images of hand gesture extracted from profile pictures on gay dating apps indicate “a touch and yet not a touch”.

Too Good to Be True
2021- (Ongoing)
Trained with profile pictures collected from gay dating apps, artificial intelligence (AI) generates a series of images, which compose the main content of the exhibition.
The similarity of the images implies people’s perception and desirous pursuing of bodily perfection through social media. The distortions, due to the interference from machine learning (ML) metaphorize the morbidity of it.
The “collaboration” between the artist and the machine, not only questions the ways of the image production, asking “what is photography”, but also simulates how images are produced, stored, chosen, and reproduced in the process of online dating. Nearly a case study of modern online dating, it shows how the notion of beauty has shaped our social behaviours thus influencing our self-cognition.

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